The Pleasure of a Pure Wool Duvet

Getting into a warm cosy bed at the end of a hard day is one of life's greatest pleasures. Getting beneath a nice soft duvet can be like slipping into a nice warm bath - heavenly.

Maxi Cosi Stroller

However, if our bedding is made of synthetics it can crackle as we slip in and can be icy cold and not warm and comforting at all.

Maxi Cosi Stroller

There is simply no alternative to a 100% wool duvet to keep you warm at night and while man made bedding will slide around and end up on the floor, sleeping under a pure wool duvet is like being gently hugged you as you sleep.

Wool is has natural airing properties too. While it can trap warmth in the winter, wool also lets air flow through it, preventing you overheating in the summer. Just look at sheep, I bet you've never seen on shiver or sweat!

And while many of us may have memories of sleeping beneath woollen blankets perhaps as a child, all itchy and scratchy, but most woollen duvets are covered in 100 % cotton these days, which is soft and doesn't create static like nylon or other man-made materials.

Pure Wool duvets are also completely environmentally friendly too as wool is a renewable, natural and completely biodegradable. It doesn't have to be expensive either. Many eco-friendly stores get their pure wool duvets from local manufacturers so not only is the wool local and hasn't needlessly travelled miles, it is less expensive than the department store chains that charge huge sums for pure wool bedding.

It's easy to make a bed that's comprised of woolen bedding too. Just throw the pure wool duvet over the sheets and you're done. If you've never slept beneath a woolen duvet or are sick of polyester and nylon - treat yourself you will never look back!

The Pleasure of a Pure Wool Duvet
Maxi Cosi Stroller

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